The processes associated with order management and order fulfillment of Make-to-Order products. This includes order creation, scheduling, transportation scheduling, order picking, packing and shipping and invoicing. Deliver-to-Order is the Deliver process that facilitates the Make-to-Order Supply Chain Strategy.
Use Cases
- Mass customization
- Products sourced or made upon receipt of a customer order, identifiable for such order
- Menu-driven configurable products, made to customer order configuration
- In a call center: Inquiries and product configuration and order entry
- In a Warehouse: Order picking, packing and shipping for items sourced or made by customer order
- In a Warehouse: Order picking, packing and shipping for items made to customer configuration
- In Retail: Ordering and check-out for Special Order items
Deliver-to-Order processes are recommended for businesses where the number of product variations or value of the product is prohibitive for keeping stock in anticipation of future orders. Deliver-to-Order is not a good fit for products where customers require Order Cycle Times shorter than the lead time to Source or Make the product.
Deliver-to-Order may be considered a Pull process as product is only sourced or made in response to an order. Deliver-to-Order generally drives to a zero-inventory state except in cases where production batch sizes differ from allowed order sizes or Yield inaccuracy requires production quantities greater than ordered quantities to mitigate risk of insufficient product.
Perfect Order Ratio
Orders Damage Free Ratio
Orders On-time Ratio
Orders In-full Ratio
Error-free Documentation Ratio
Order Cycle Time
Deliver Cycle Time
Supply Chain Costs
Distribution Costs
Cash Conversion Cycle
Days Receivables Outstanding
Days of Inventory
Deliver-to-Order Deliver 5420000 2 Order Management, Order Creation, Order Fulfillment, Logistics, Delivery, Distribution, Supply Chain, MTO, Make-to-Stock, Order-driven, CTO, Configure-to-Order, Package-to-Order The processes associated with order management and order fulfillment of make-to-order products. This includes order creation, scheduling, transportation scheduling, order picking, packing and shipping and invoicing