

Modification date

"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. This property is pre-deployed (also known as special property) and comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other user-defined property.

Pages using the property "Modification date"

This property is a special property in this wiki. Showing 25 pages using this property.

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D208 +12 July 2022 18:11:46  +
D209 +12 July 2022 18:11:41  +
D210 +12 July 2022 18:11:42  +
D3 +12 July 2022 18:11:38  +
D301 +12 July 2022 18:11:49  +
 +12 July 2022 18:11:49  +
D303 +12 July 2022 18:11:48  +
D304 +12 July 2022 18:11:48  +
 +12 July 2022 18:11:49  +
D306 +12 July 2022 18:11:41  +
 +12 July 2022 18:11:48  +
D308 +12 July 2022 18:11:45  +
D309 +12 July 2022 18:11:48  +
D310 +12 July 2022 18:11:42  +
D311 +12 July 2022 18:11:43  +
D4 +12 July 2022 18:11:36  +
D401 +12 July 2022 18:11:35  +
D402 +12 July 2022 18:11:35  +
D403 +12 July 2022 18:11:35  +
D404 +12 July 2022 18:11:37  +
D405 +12 July 2022 18:11:47  +
D406 +12 July 2022 18:11:47  +
D407 +12 July 2022 18:11:37  +
D408 +12 July 2022 18:11:43  +
D5 +13 May 2023 17:40:15  +
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