The activities associated with collecting, aggregating, establishing and reviewing the actual inventory and scheduled completions of Work/Production Orders of materials (parts, ingredients, semi-finished goods, merchandize) and services. This includes determining capacity of all relevant types.
Use Cases
- Inventories Work-In-Process
- Scheduled Completions
- Production Capacity
- Packing Capacity
- Testing/Inspection Capacity
The output of this process is the supply and capacity for the production supply/demand netting process (P303).
Planning Frequency
Master Production Schedule
ID | Name | Level | x |
P3 | Plan Make | 2 | P3 |
P302 | Gather Inventory & Schedule | 3 | P302 |
ID | Name | Clear | x |
MPS | Master Production Schedule | | MPS |
Gather Inventory & Schedule Plan Make 5130200 3 gather, Supply, Capacity, Resources, Production, Manufacturing, Repair, Make, Supply Chain collecting, aggregating, establishing and reviewing the actual inventory and scheduled completions of Work/Production Orders of materials (parts, ingredients, semi-finished goods, products) and services. This includes determining capacity of all relevant types