The activities associated with identification and prioritization of gaps in performance of high-level metrics for each supply chain. This includes identification and prioritization of corrective actions and communication of performance improvement goals. The verb develop in the process name implies that supply chain strategy is established but more commonly updating such strategy, as Align Strategy is intended to be performed as a repeatable (annual) process.
In Develop Supply Chain Strategy all information collected in prior steps is included in the decision making. Benchmarking is valuable to the degree that it illuminates or creates business decisions. Outcomes of the Competitive Landscape Analysis (e.g. t:SWOT) should also be shaping the outcome. The business decision here is to review the gaps in performance, prioritize them and identify and agree what corrective actions to take. Example corrective actions include: change in supply chain performance targets, change in individual performance targets, reassign ownership.
This process is generally concluded with a management meeting or sponsor and stakeholder meeting where the strategy is validated and approved.
ID | Name | Level | x |
A1 | Align Strategy | 2 | A1 |
A114 | Develop Supply Chain Strategy | 3 | A114 |
Develop Supply Chain Strategy Align Strategy 4111400 3 {{{keywords}}} {{{description}}}